Hopefully, the station will be able to build up more momentum, more listeners, and a stronger signal before it gets the old "shut down." And if you live in a hole or behind a mountain, you can still catch PRA DJs at the Blackbird's new bimonthly foosball tournaments. Or do you think you're fooling anybody with that giraffe print you bought at Pier One when you moved into the dorm? Honey, you're only kidding yourself with that fake African crap. What you need to do is take down the Taxi Driver poster and get some real art for those louis vuitton duffel bags walls, something to impress the ladies (or the fellas), and have something to zone out on when the cable gets turned off.
Dad used to say he'd have liked to be an archaeologist if journalism hadn't enthralled him. I reckon a great general would have better suited his theatrical soul; he would have enjoyed thundering into battle astride an elephant, resplendent in fully blingedup battledress, with battalions of cavalrymen bringing up the rear. One of Channel 9's great accomplishments in nurturing Dad's talent, and part of the reason his passion for "the Nines", as he called it, was so powerfully tribal, was the network's encouragement and appreciation for Dad's inner ham.
"It fun," he said."Do you carry a credit card with you?" we asked a third man. "Yes I do." "Do you ever forget credit cards when you pay?" we asked again. "Yes." We asked him to do the same thing, fold it, and put it in his pocket. We talked about our daughters, both the same age. His little girl hunts rabbits; mine plays hockey. The flowers and personal notes that piled up last week outside his headquarters briefly threatened to make him America's Diana with a pushbroom mustache.
In what Lloyd Hines, warden for the District of Guysborough, described as an example of "bureaucracy gone wild,"Well that is an understatement if I ever heard of one. My guess would be that most if not all of the problems this province faces is the result of "Bureaucracy gone wild" All the way from the Utility review board which regulates how much you pay for electricity, and gas,and bus and taxi fares, to the liquor louis vuitton duffel bags commission which regulates how much you pay for a bottle of booze,all the way down to the motor vehicle branch who regulates what it costs to license your bucket of bolts, and yes how much it costs to have it inspected while bearing no liability that your vehicle is actually more safe than before. Your wallet is lighter of that can be sure, but your vehicle cannot be deemed safer going out of the garage than it was coming in.
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